7 Emerging Child Care Trends For Government Leaders

As a government leader, you’re uniquely positioned to support your local child care industry. And when the child care industry thrives, so does the economy. Below, you’ll find seven new child care trends that are well worth considering when thinking of relatively quick solutions that will help close the child care gap in your region. 

#1. Digital Tools and Platforms for Child Care Management

Are you looking for an easy way to support your state’s child care providers? Consider partnering with digital tools and platforms to simplify their work. These tools can help with enrollment, billing, and communication, and according to the NAEYC, they continue to increase in importance for modern child care management.

#2. Remote and Flexible Child Care Options

Child Care Aware reports that flexible child care is becoming a priority in today’s society. It not only supports remote workers, but employees who are employed outside of the traditional 9-5 hours as well. 

You can support these employees (and in turn, your state’s economy) by pouring resources into flexible and nontraditional child care options.

#3. Workplace-Based Child Care Solutions

According to Urban Institute, workplace-based child care solutions are gaining popularity as companies look to support employees and reduce turnover. Workplace-based child care can be especially helpful for industries with nontraditional hours such as manufacturing, health care, and emergency services.

#4. Increased Focus on Child Care Workforce Development

If you want to address the child care worker shortage in your state, start with training and compensation increases. According to Child Care Aware of America, these small shifts are critical to improving quality of care.

#5. Focus on Cognitive and Behavioral Growth

The Urban Institute also finds cognitive and behavioral lessons significant. By supporting a focus on cognitive and behavioral growth in early childhood programs, you can help prepare children for future academic and social success 

How can you support these areas from your government role? Start by sharing related training opportunities for child care providers.

#6. Innovative Staffing Solutions for Child Care Providers

Child care centers continue to close their doors when they’re unable to staff their classrooms. In-home providers report significant burnout levels when they can’t take a day off (or rest when they’re sick). Innovative solutions like Wonderschool’s substitute teaching pool can help. 

This unique approach allows child care centers to maintain continuity of care even when regular staff members are unavailable, ensuring that children receive consistent and high-quality care

#7. Empowering Parent Preferences Through Customized Child Care Options

Parents deserve to feel good about their child’s care. To better support families' diverse needs and preferences, states should offer a variety of care models, such as home-based, center-based, and flexible scheduling.

Combine your expanded provider list with Wonderschool’s robust Child Care Finder (and K12 School Finder) to help make sure parents can find their perfect fit.

The reasoning is clear, but will these changes boost your state’s child care economy? According to Child Care Aware, yes. There’s a growing demand for care that matches parent preferences.

Wonderschool For Governments

Wonderschool helps innovate with six out of seven these child care solutions. Whether it’s creating a network of local home-based programs in small towns or revitalizing how parents find the right child care program or school for their children in large states, Wonderschool’s technology supports government leaders find what's best for their community nationwide.

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