Encouraging Autonomy And Exploration In New York City Family Child Care

Socorro Cordova
Art + Wonder Preschool
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January 5, 2023
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Socorro is the director of Art & Wonder Preschool in New York City, an incredible program on the Wonderschool platform. Socorro was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and has degrees in Women’s Studies and Early Childhood Education.

Socorro Cordova

Socorro is the director of Art & Wonder Preschool in New York City, an incredible program on the Wonderschool platform. Socorro was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and has degrees in Women’s Studies and Early Childhood Education.

Encouraging autonomy and exploration in New York City family child care

In today’s episode, we are talking to Socorro Cordova, the director of Art & Wonder preschool in New York. Socorro was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and has degrees in Women’s Studies and Early Childhood Education. Now, Socorro resides in New York City, which is very different from the tropical climate of San Juan. However, her experiences have taught her the importance of not taking your surroundings for granted and finding beauty all around. 

A firm believer in the Emilia Reggio approach, Socorro has applied her own learning from these experiences to her educational philosophy. Socorro knows that all children have potential and it is the educator's job to meet them at their own level and allow them autonomy and exploration. As a result, Socorro makes it her mission to ensure that all the children that enter into her care understand first and foremost that they are capable and respected. 

In our conversation today, Socorro discusses the importance of establishing a foundation for openness through creating routine and security for children and why centering children’s voices in the classroom can create a comforting and safe space for growth. 

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • The experiences that have shaped Socorro’s educational philosophy
  • How teaching into routine and security in the classroom builds foundational skills for future learning
  • Why a child-centered classroom is crucial in helping children to feel more confident in their own abilities

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